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Fighting to Win - Diminished Value
Section 1 - Introduction to Diminished Value Claims
Course Introduction and Overview
What Exactly is Diminished Value?
What is Fair Market Value?
Why is Diminished Value Important?
Section 2 - Opening and Handling DV Claims
Options for Handling Diminished Value Claim
When to Open a Diminished Value Claim
How to Open a Claim and What is the 30-Day Limitation?
Diminished Value Statute of Limitations
Who Do I Open a Claim With?
Section 3 - Seeking Compensation
Begin Seeking Compensation
Key Factors to Consider
Reasonable Expectations in Diminished Value Claims
Section 4 - Ways to Determine Loss of Value
Approaches to Calculating DV
Tool: Diminished Value Calculator (Simplified)
What is an Appraisal?
Review of a Sample Appraisal
What Can I Expect When Hiring an Appraiser?
Who does an Appraisal?
Should I Hire an Appraiser?
Who Should I Hire as the Appraiser?
Section 5 - Claim Strategies
Prepare a Demand and Negotiate your Claim
The Demand Process
Dealing with Insurance Adjusters
Pitfalls and Strategies Unique to Diminished Value
Section 6 - Settlement and Release
Final Settlement Process and Signing a Release
Release Agreements - Overview
What Can I Do if a Settlement Agreement Cannot Be Reached?
Approaches to Calculating DV
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